

JournalConference contributionsMemoirsEssaysThesesMediaPublic 2626991 F6MU4YF5 universite-de-sherbrooke-departement-de-geomatique 50 date desc 1 title 1916

Cambridge Bay Greenhouse

A Greenhouse in the Arctic. Laval University has been involved in promoting arctic agriculture through various growing systems including the dome greenhouse, cold frames, hydroponics, aeroponics and growth chambers. This summer, the Laval University team represented...

Snow site (IMA)

The Intensive Monitoring Area (IMA) The IMA has been designated by Polar Knowledge Canada (PKC) to focus on multi-disciplinary research. The area is 2×4 km and is equipped with two Eddy Covariance towers from PKC. In the surrounding area is another weather...

Objectives and motivation

Main objective Our project’s primary focus is to establish a multidisciplinary observatory for the long-term monitoring of Arctic climate change and extreme events. Main Motivation The cryosphere research community requires comprehensive surface condition data...